I have an Ubuntu server with the native Amanda package installed (via
apt-get install amanda-common and amanda-server) - Amanda 2.6.1p1. This
creates the Amanda backup user "backup" in the group "backup". However, I
need to back up a Windows client, so I have the Zmanda Windows Client
installed (version 3.1.3), which uses the user "amandabackup".  When I run

sudo -u backup amcheck MyConfig

I get the following error:

ERROR: amanda-client-xp: Unauthenticated user

where amanda-client-xp is the Windows client (defined in /etc/hosts).
When I create a user "amandabackup" in group "disk" on the server, change
permissions for all relevant directories and executables to be owned by
"amandabackup", and change the dumpuser in my amanda.conf to "amandabackup"
it all works. However, that causes a problem, because I want to be able to
automate the creation of an Amanda server and do not want to have to change
users and permissions, etc.

Bottom line: Do I need the Amanda user on the server to be the same as the
Amanda user on the Zmanda Windows Client (i.e. "amandabackup")?
I have the line

client_username "amandabackup"

in my amanda.conf, but that does not seem to help at all.

I would appreciate any help!

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