It is because the correct timestamp line is not include in the log file.
Any others error in the report?

Kill all amanda processes
run amcleanup
Remove the 'log' file from the logdir if you have one.


On 01/13/2012 09:37 AM, Mike Neimoyer wrote:
Good morning all!

I've started getting these reports in the morning, within the past week, but I can't seem to figure out why. It seems that a dump is happening overnight but I can't figure out where it's coming from.

The only nightly amanda job in my crontab is the Daily, which kicks off at 03:30, but goes into degraded holdingdisk mode since the "Bogus-Month" job is accessing the tapedrive. I'm concerned that my Weekly, on Sunday morning, is going to be interrupted as well.

I've done mailing list archive searches to no avail. I see references from years ago, but no indication what's causing them, and this is a new occurrence for me.

I've searched the site for "bogus" without any results.

The root crontab and the amanda user (operator)'s crontab are both logical and no "Bogus-Month" run is listed. I don't have a "Bogus-Month" config directory, either, which is even more confusing.

Can someone please help shed some light on this for me?


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