On 01/13/2012 10:39 AM, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:
> It is because the correct timestamp line is not include in the log file.
> Any others error in the report?
> Kill all amanda processes
> run amcleanup
> Remove the 'log' file from the logdir if you have one.

Thank you, Jean-Louis!

That information will allow me to dig deeper and try to find out why this is occurring. I will follow your suggestions!

Yes, there are estimate time-out errors in the report, such as:

planner: ERROR liver2NAK :  amandad busy
planner: ERROR patchNAK :  amandad busy
planner: ERROR jazzNAK :  amandad busy
planner: ERROR vector1NAK :  amandad busy
planner: ERROR Estimate timeout from hedwig
hedwig /usr lev 1 FAILED [disk /usr, all estimate timed out]
hedwig /var lev 1 FAILED [disk /var, all estimate timed out]
hedwig / lev 0 FAILED [disk /, all estimate timed out]
planner: ERROR Estimate timeout from hedwig
vector1 /Summer lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from vector1]
vector1 /Users/becky/Public lev 1 FAILED [Estimate timeout from vector1]

and so on.

This is from amanda community server 2.4.5 on a FreeBSD 6.1 system.


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