Do 'amadmin <config_name> find' list all dump?
Do the tapelist file list all tapes?
Do you have all the log.<datestamp>.* files?

Do 'amcheck -s <config_name>' print errors or warnings?


On 04/02/2012 06:36 AM, Yogesh Hasabnis wrote:
Hi All,

Our AMANDA backup configuration consisted of AMANDA 2.5.2p1 on RHEL3 as the backup server and AMANDA 2.6.1p2 on RHEL6 as the AMANDA client. Recently,the RHEL 3 OS on amanda backup server crashed for some reason and I had to install RHEL 5.5 OS on it. I had backed up my original amanda configuration directories under /etc/amanda and also the contents of the /var/lib/amanda directory which contained the index data, before the OS reinstallation. I have installed AMANDA 2.6.1p2 on this new OS on the backup server and reconfigured it. I have also copied the directories containing the index data under the appropriate directories (/var/lib/amanda).

Now when I try to use the command (from my AMANDA client)

# amrecover -C <config_name> -s <index_server> -t <tape_server>

and use the proper "sethost", "setdisk" and "setdate" commands, I get the error "No index records for disk for specified date". The contents of the amindexd*.debug under the /var/log/amanda/server/<config> are roughly as follows:

1333357832.225922: amindexd: > DATE 2012-04-02
1333357832.226013: amindexd: < 200 Working date set to 2012-04-02.
1333357832.226299: amindexd: > OISD /
1333357832.226341: amindexd: < 500 No dumps available on or before date "2012-04-02"

Kindly suggest about what needs to be done to make the amrecover command work.

Thanks in advance,
Yogesh Hasabnsi

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