
While being on Linux I was using lvm2 volumes in raid-1 with ext4
filesystems and defining DLEs was quite straightforward.

Recently moved to Free(PC)BSD and everything is handled by ZFS, so I
wonder how to properly define my DLEs to regularly backup my desktop
machine to LTO-2 tapes?

Here is zfslist output:

[gour@atmarama gour] zfs list                                                   
NAME                        USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
tank0                       550G   363G    31K  legacy
tank0/ROOT                 5.51G   363G    31K  legacy
tank0/ROOT/default         5.51G   363G  5.51G  /mnt
tank0/root                 40.1M   363G  40.1M  /root
tank0/swap                 2.06G   365G  37.8M  -
tank0/tmp                   126K   363G   126K  /tmp
tank0/usr                   543G   363G    31K  /mnt/usr
tank0/usr/home              530G   363G  73.5K  /usr/home
tank0/usr/home/gour         530G   363G   530G  /usr/home/gour
tank0/usr/jails            83.8M   363G  83.8M  /usr/jails
tank0/usr/obj                31K   363G    31K  /usr/obj
tank0/usr/pbi              11.6G   363G  11.6G  /usr/pbi
tank0/usr/ports             782M   363G   676M  /usr/ports
tank0/usr/ports/distfiles   106M   363G   106M  /usr/ports/distfiles
tank0/usr/src               435M   363G   435M  /usr/src
tank0/var                   671K   363G    31K  /mnt/var
tank0/var/audit              31K   363G    31K  /var/audit
tank0/var/log               564K   363G   564K  /var/log
tank0/var/tmp              44.5K   363G  44.5K  /var/tmp

Any hint?

I'm a bit confused by this article: http://www.tc.mtu.edu/~jfb/amanda-zfs.php


"To add ZFS filesystem entries to your AMANDA disklist, use the absolute
mount point. zfs list, used by the dump wrapper, indicates a mount
point of "legacy" in the case of root-on-ZFS, but AMANDA appears to
look for /dev/legacy if "legacy" is used in disklist, which causes a
host-check error and prevents the filesystem from being backed up, so
be sure to use "/" for the filesystem/device. The wrapper script will
take care of the conversion of "/" to "legacy".

Is it relevant only when using dump?

I plan to use gnutar and have root-on-ZFS...


A person who is not disturbed by the incessant flow of 
desires — that enter like rivers into the ocean, which is 
ever being filled but is always still — can alone achieve 
peace, and not the man who strives to satisfy such desires.

http://www.atmarama.net | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810

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