
That is odd, and not reflective out output for ZFS file systems
on a Solaris box.

Main                 70.4G  63.5G  32.5K  /Main
Main/ROOT            47.0G  63.5G    20K  /Main/ROOT
Main/ROOT/Main       47.0G  63.5G  47.0G  /
Main/dump            2.00G  63.5G  2.00G  -
Main/grid            13.7G  63.5G  12.5G  /opt/grid

Clearly the script will not work for you as intended.

I have no clue what tank0/ROOT/default contains, suspect
/root/default is the mount point, but you'd know and I
can only guess. Suspect tank0/ROOT is in fact /root.

I can not be 100% certain about linux, but as far as Solaris
goes (I believe linux to be the same) dump will only dump ext
type, ufs, xfs etc type file systems, that tar is always used
with ZFS file systems.

It may be that someone has written, or is writing a dump for
ZFS, but I have not seen it yet.

There are specific versions of gtar that are recommended for
amanda, I have also used star (Schily Tar) on some of my DLEs.

On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 12:20:10PM +0200, Gour wrote:
> Hello!
> While being on Linux I was using lvm2 volumes in raid-1 with ext4
> filesystems and defining DLEs was quite straightforward.
> Recently moved to Free(PC)BSD and everything is handled by ZFS, so I
> wonder how to properly define my DLEs to regularly backup my desktop
> machine to LTO-2 tapes?
> Here is zfslist output:
> [gour@atmarama gour] zfs list                                                 
>                                                                ~
> NAME                        USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
> tank0                       550G   363G    31K  legacy
> tank0/ROOT                 5.51G   363G    31K  legacy
> tank0/ROOT/default         5.51G   363G  5.51G  /mnt
> tank0/root                 40.1M   363G  40.1M  /root
> tank0/swap                 2.06G   365G  37.8M  -
> tank0/tmp                   126K   363G   126K  /tmp
> tank0/usr                   543G   363G    31K  /mnt/usr
> tank0/usr/home              530G   363G  73.5K  /usr/home
> tank0/usr/home/gour         530G   363G   530G  /usr/home/gour
> tank0/usr/jails            83.8M   363G  83.8M  /usr/jails
> tank0/usr/obj                31K   363G    31K  /usr/obj
> tank0/usr/pbi              11.6G   363G  11.6G  /usr/pbi
> tank0/usr/ports             782M   363G   676M  /usr/ports
> tank0/usr/ports/distfiles   106M   363G   106M  /usr/ports/distfiles
> tank0/usr/src               435M   363G   435M  /usr/src
> tank0/var                   671K   363G    31K  /mnt/var
> tank0/var/audit              31K   363G    31K  /var/audit
> tank0/var/log               564K   363G   564K  /var/log
> tank0/var/tmp              44.5K   363G  44.5K  /var/tmp
> Any hint?
> I'm a bit confused by this article: http://www.tc.mtu.edu/~jfb/amanda-zfs.php
> saying:
> "To add ZFS filesystem entries to your AMANDA disklist, use the absolute
> mount point. zfs list, used by the dump wrapper, indicates a mount
> point of "legacy" in the case of root-on-ZFS, but AMANDA appears to
> look for /dev/legacy if "legacy" is used in disklist, which causes a
> host-check error and prevents the filesystem from being backed up, so
> be sure to use "/" for the filesystem/device. The wrapper script will
> take care of the conversion of "/" to "legacy".
> Is it relevant only when using dump?
> I plan to use gnutar and have root-on-ZFS...
> Sincerely,
> Gour
> -- 
> What is night for all beings is the time of awakening 
> for the self-controlled; and the time of awakening for 
> all beings is night for the introspective sage.
> http://www.atmarama.net | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810
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