On Feb 8, 2013, at 5:21 PM, neal lawson <amanda-for...@backupcentral.com> wrote:

> i chose ruby since its a stable modern language i know, and most linux 
> distributions already ship with 1.8.7, further more Amanda should be agnostic 
> to the language that the helper scripts use. If Amanda requires i use perl, 
> it might be time to find another backup solution.

Amanda is certainly agnostic as far as helper scripts/Applications are 
concerned. The only advantage to using Perl would be that you can use the 
included Amanda API, avoiding re-coding some functions and having an easier 
interaction with the rest of the amanda system. If that's not an issue, then 
Ruby should do fine. 

> Markus Iturriaga Woelfel, it seems the repo you referenced no longer exists, 
> Markus Iturriaga Woelfel

https://github.com/marxarelli/amlvm-snapshot still works for me. 

I'm all for a ground-up rewrite of the LVM script though. I don't know if I can 
contribute much in Ruby, but I'd be interested in seeing design decisions 
discussed. I don't know if this is the right forum - depends on the Amanda.org 
folks, I guess. I wrote the snapshot scripts we use for BackupPC (which we also 
use for backups) in Perl, so I have some experience writing scripts that 
interact with LVM. I can't promise they're elegant though. I've never made them 
publicly available mostly because they are hacks, but they do work. :)


Markus A. Iturriaga Woelfel, IT Administrator
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of Tennessee
Min H. Kao Building, Suite 424 / 1520 Middle Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996-2250
mitur...@eecs.utk.edu / (865) 974-3837

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