On 03/27/2013 08:58 AM, Kamil Jońca wrote:
Jean-Louis Martineau <martin...@zmanda.com> writes:

On 03/27/2013 06:39 AM, Kamil Jońca wrote:
(This is duplicate mail, previously sent, but I weren't subscribed)
In some sites there is suggestion, that config:
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
#flush-threshold-dumped 100 # (or more)
#flush-threshold-scheduled 100 # (or more)
#taperflush 100
#autoflush yes
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
helps to do better tape utilization.

But how behave amanda in my configuration (+ these four lines above):

I have defined 1gb vtapes, placed onto four hard disks rotated
(ie. first flush go to disk 1, second to 2, third to 3, fourth to 4,
fifth to 1, and so on)

say on first disk are tapes: alfa-1-1 to alfa-1-10
on second:  alfa-2-1 to alfa-2-10
on third: alfa-3-1 to alfa-3-10
on fourth: alfa-4-1 to alfa-4-10

One day dumps takes 1,5GB and goes to tape alfa-1-1 and (partially)
Amanda should not write to alfa-1-2 if the above setting are commented out.
Are you using a holding a disk? It must be larger than a vtape (1gb).

My bad. I forgot to say that I have  runtapes greater than 1.
And my question is what amanda do if above flush settings are not

Amanda should not write to alfa-1-2, the backup should stay in the holding disk.
They should be written to vtape on the next run or when you have more than 1GB 
(100% of 1gb) of dump on holding disk.

Uncommenting the above setting is useless if you do not use a holding disk.

Did you read the documentation? Did you tried it?


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