On Tue, Oct 08, 2013 at 01:22:49PM -0400, Chris Hoogendyk wrote:
> Just for reference, if you are running in a private network without
> dns lookup, then you should put all the machines you want to backup
> into /etc/hosts. That's what I had to do when my Amanda server was
> on our private net and had no public address.

Can /etc/hosts be automatically updated if clients get their
IP addresses dynamically with DHCP?

> That doesn't mean you don't have other issues that have to be dealt
> with. There is a general trouble shooting page for possible issues
> that result in "selfcheck request failed" --
> http://wiki.zmanda.com/index.php/Selfcheck_request_failed.
> On 10/8/13 5:08 AM, jefflau wrote:
> >Dear All,
> >I was learning on Amanda backup and facing issue for below. I planning using 
> >it in the workgroup without dns server.
> >
> >I was Using Ubuntu 12 and installed it by using apt-get, by searching many 
> >of the issue resolved. Till this stage I do a month can't resolved it.
> >
> >Hope someone able help me as soon as can
> >
> >
> >Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
> >--------------------------------
> >WARNING: backup: selfcheck request failed: ssh_security could not find 
> >canonical name for 'backup': Name or service not known
> >Client check: 1 host checked in 20.581 seconds.  1 problem found.
> >
> >+----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >|This was sent by jef...@gmail.com via Backup Central.
> >|Forward SPAM to ab...@backupcentral.com.
> >+----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >
> -- 
> ---------------
> Chris Hoogendyk
> -
>    O__  ---- Systems Administrator
>   c/ /'_ --- Biology & Geology Departments
>  (*) \(*) -- 347 Morrill Science Center
> ~~~~~~~~~~ - University of Massachusetts, Amherst
> <hoogen...@bio.umass.edu>
> ---------------
> Erdös 4
>>> End of included message <<<

Jon H. LaBadie                 j...@jgcomp.com
 11226 South Shore Rd.          (703) 787-0688 (H)
 Reston, VA  20190              (609) 477-8330 (C)

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