On 17/01/14 10:55, Jon LaBadie wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 06:04:14PM -0500, Michael Stauffer wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm setting up amanda 3.3.4. I can't find a definiton for changer's drives
>> (IBM ULTRIUM-TD5 LTO-5) in /etc/amanda/template.d/tapetypes
>> Can someone point me to a source for this, or to where I can learn how to
>> determine the params I need for the drives? Thanks
> The command amtapetype should be in your amanda server installation.
> It can be used to determine the values for your site.
> The only tapetype parameter amanda actually uses is capacity.
> So you could hand create a definition and be close enough
> for government work.
> Jon

Created on OmniOS v11 r151006:

$ amtapetype -f -b 524288 -t ULT3580-TD5 /dev/rmt/0b 2>&1 | tee
Checking for FSF_AFTER_FILEMARK requirement
Applying heuristic check for compression.
Wrote random (uncompressible) data at 85721088 bytes/sec   
Wrote fixed (compressible) data at 295261525.333333 bytes/sec
Compression: enabled
Writing one file to fill the volume.
Wrote 1519480995840 bytes at 85837 kb/sec                  
Got LEOM indication, so drive and kernel together support LEOM
Writing smaller files (15194390528 bytes) to determine filemark.
device-property "FSF_AFTER_FILEMARK" "false"               
define tapetype ULT3580-TD5 {
    comment "Created by amtapetype; compression enabled"
    length 1483868160 kbytes
    filemark 868 kbytes
    speed 85837 kps
    blocksize 512 kbytes
# for this drive and kernel, LEOM is supported; add
#   device-property "LEOM" "TRUE"
# for this device.

I ran amtapetype for a number of different block sizes (32k, 256k, 512k and 
2048k) but I found that
block sizes over 512 kbytes gave me driver issues and no LEOM capability. My 
amdump reports show
fairly reasonable tape streaming speeds:

Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)   143476     143842     5723.0

If you have a different system just run amtapetype and be patient. It will be 
worth the wait.


Tom Robinson
IT Manager/System Administrator

MoTeC Pty Ltd

121 Merrindale Drive
Croydon South
3136 Victoria

T: +61 3 9761 5050
F: +61 3 9761 5051   
E: tom.robin...@motec.com.au

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