I will give it a second try, with 2 modifications:

- all 2nd and following "exclude"s are now "exclude append"
- all patterns start with "./" and have no other "/"

I found this in a 2007 user manual describing 2.5.0.

Will see what this will give.  Is there a more recent issue?

To Gerrit: no, apparently include -> exclude is the right order,
looking at examples so far.  Trying to find confirmation, pointed
to the points above. Thanks.

Regards, Charles

On Sun, 16 Feb 2014 15:29:03 +0100
Charles Stroom <char...@stremen.xs4all.nl> wrote:

> I am now running my compiled 3.3.5 amanda on opensuse 13.1 and have
> reformatted my disklist.  I have difficulties to understand what will
> be, or what will be not included. To take an example, i have a
> directory /home/charles/pictures.  It contains sub-directories for a
> few cameras I have/had and a miscellany of smaller directories and
> files. " charles@fiume:~> du -sk pictures/
> 18292984        pictures/
> du -sk pictures/Canon_800IS/ pictures/Canon_G2
> 6926988 pictures/Canon_800IS/
> 6294604 pictures/Canon_G2
> "
> I wanted to have Canon_G2 and Canon_800IS in a separate DLE and all
> the rest in another DLE, which would then become ~7Gb, ~7Gb and 4~Gb
> large.
> In my disklist I have for these 3 DLEs:
> "
> fiume.localnet  Pictures_G2 /home/charles/pictures/Canon_G2 {
> #
> #   pictures in the Canon_G2 directory ~7Gb
> #
>     nocomp-generic
>     include "./*"
> } 2
> fiume.localnet  Pictures_800IS  /home/charles/pictures/Canon_800IS {
> #
> #   pictures in the Canon_800IS directory ~7Gb
> #
>     nocomp-generic
>     include "./*"
> } 2
> fiume.localnet  Pictures_rest   /home/charles/pictures {
> #
> #   all other pictures in the directory
> #
>     nocomp-generic
>     include "./*"
>     exclude "./Canon_800IS/*"
>     exclude "./Canon_G2/*"
> } 2
> "
> My first backup failed (my dds4 tape is too small for a full backup
> first time), but when I looked at ..../amanda/dumps/20140216111623/
> what was left, I noticed:
> "
> fiume:/ # ll /work/amanda/dumps/20140216111623/
> total 18923752
> -rw------- 1 amanda amanda 1073741824 Feb 16 14:52
> fiume.localnet.Pictures_800IS.0 -rw------- 1 amanda amanda 1073741824
> Feb 16 14:48 fiume.localnet.Pictures_800IS.0.1 -rw------- 1 amanda
> amanda 1073741824 Feb 16 14:49 fiume.localnet.Pictures_800IS.0.2
> -rw------- 1 amanda amanda 1073741824 Feb 16 14:50
> fiume.localnet.Pictures_800IS.0.3 -rw------- 1 amanda amanda
> 1073741824 Feb 16 14:51 fiume.localnet.Pictures_800IS.0.4 -rw-------
> 1 amanda amanda 1073741824 Feb 16 14:52
> fiume.localnet.Pictures_800IS.0.5 -rw------- 1 amanda amanda
> 650801152 Feb 16 14:52 fiume.localnet.Pictures_800IS.0.6 -rw------- 1
> amanda amanda 1073741824 Feb 16 14:47 fiume.localnet.Pictures_rest.0
> -rw------- 1 amanda amanda 1073741824 Feb 16 14:39
> fiume.localnet.Pictures_rest.0.1 -rw------- 1 amanda amanda
> 1073741824 Feb 16 14:46 fiume.localnet.Pictures_rest.0.10 -rw-------
> 1 amanda amanda  473434112 Feb 16 14:47
> fiume.localnet.Pictures_rest.0.11 -rw------- 1 amanda amanda
> 1073741824 Feb 16 14:40 fiume.localnet.Pictures_rest.0.2 -rw------- 1
> amanda amanda 1073741824 Feb 16 14:40
> fiume.localnet.Pictures_rest.0.3 -rw------- 1 amanda amanda
> 1073741824 Feb 16 14:41 fiume.localnet.Pictures_rest.0.4 -rw------- 1
> amanda amanda 1073741824 Feb 16 14:42
> fiume.localnet.Pictures_rest.0.5 -rw------- 1 amanda amanda
> 1073741824 Feb 16 14:43 fiume.localnet.Pictures_rest.0.6 -rw------- 1
> amanda amanda 1073741824 Feb 16 14:44
> fiume.localnet.Pictures_rest.0.7 -rw------- 1 amanda amanda
> 1073741824 Feb 16 14:44 fiume.localnet.Pictures_rest.0.8 -rw------- 1
> amanda amanda 1073741824 Feb 16 14:45 fiume.localnet.Pictures_rest.0.9
> "
> not very clear in this layout, but fiume.localnet.Pictures_rest alone
> totals to more than 11Gb, while it should only have ~4Gb.
> Do I not understand the disklist format?  What is wrong?
> But I have a few more disklist questions:
> example 1
> fiume.localnet test1 /home/charles {
>       generic
> }
> will this include ALL under /home/charles?
> example 2
> fiume.localnet test2 /home/charles {
>       generic
>       include "./*"
> }
> is this in fact the same as example 1?  All under /home/charles will
> be included?
> example 3
> fiume.localnet test2 /home/charles {
>       generic
>       include "./big"
> }
> Will this include all under /home/charles or ONLY all under
> /home/charles/big?
> The manuals are not very clear, the 3rd parameter ("/home/charles")
> is called "diskdevice", but my understanding is that it can be any
> point in the file tree of the system.  Correct?
> Disklist also makes no distinction between different file systems,
> I think?  For example, in example 2, subdirectory "big" would be
> included even if on a different file system (or LV or partion).
> Correct?
> The 2nd parameter (e.g. "test2") is an arbitrary label, although
> it is called "diskname".  Correct?
> Thanks Charles
> -- 
> Charles Stroom
> email: charles at no-spam.stremen.xs4all.nl (remove the "no-spam.")

Charles Stroom
email: charles at no-spam.stremen.xs4all.nl (remove the "no-spam.")

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