On Sun, 16 Feb 2014 14:00:01 -0500
Jon LaBadie <j...@jgcomp.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 03:29:03PM +0100, Charles Stroom wrote:
> > I am now running my compiled 3.3.5 amanda on opensuse 13.1 and have
> > reformatted my disklist.  I have difficulties to understand what
> > will be, or what will be not included. To take an example, i have a
> > directory /home/charles/pictures.  It contains sub-directories for
> > a few cameras I have/had and a miscellany of smaller directories
> > and files.
> > "
> > charles@fiume:~> du -sk pictures/
> > 18292984        pictures/
> > 
> > du -sk pictures/Canon_800IS/ pictures/Canon_G2
> > 6926988 pictures/Canon_800IS/
> > 6294604 pictures/Canon_G2
> > "


> >>> End of included message <<<
> Get rid of the include ./*  and start all 3 from same directory.
> Consider this setup.  Note, an include implies exclude all else.
> fiume.localnet  Pictures_G2 /home/charles/pictures {
> #
> #   pictures in the Canon_G2 directory ~7Gb
> #
>     nocomp-generic
>     include "./Canon_G2"
> } 2
> fiume.localnet  Pictures_800IS  /home/charles/pictures {
> #
> #   pictures in the Canon_800IS directory ~7Gb
> #
>     nocomp-generic
>     include "./Canon_800IS"
> } 2
> fiume.localnet  Pictures_rest   /home/charles/pictures {
> #
> #   all other pictures in the directory
> #
>     nocomp-generic
>     exclude "./Canon_800IS/*"
>     exclude "./Canon_G2/*"
> } 2
> Jon
> -- 
> Jon H. LaBadie                 j...@jgcomp.com
>  11226 South Shore Rd.          (703) 787-0688 (H)
>  Reston, VA  20190              (609) 477-8330 (C)

I have done so, and at the same time, use the exclude append and removed
the trailing /* and the result now seems ok, at least the size of the
dumps in the workspace corresponds to my estimation (backup still

You said that "an include implies exclude all else", this clarifies
some behaviour.  But I have 1 DLE with multiple "includes":
fiume.localnet  Vbox    /home/charles {
#   Virtualbox elements
    include "./.Virtualbox"
    include "./vbox" 
} 2

Will that work?  Or is there an equivalent "include append" required?

Many thanks,


Charles Stroom
email: charles at no-spam.stremen.xs4all.nl (remove the "no-spam.")

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