On Wed, Mar 05, 2014 at 21:31:05 -0500, Michael Stauffer wrote:
> I want one DLE with all dirs starting with a, except for ./aguirre, then
> another with just ./aguirre
> cfile.uphs.upenn.edu jet-a /mnt/jet716s_1/jet-export/ {
>    gui-base
>    include "./[a]*"
>    exclude "./aguirre/"
>    }
> cfile.uphs.upenn.edu jet-aguirre /mnt/jet716s_1/jet-export/ {
>    gui-base
>    include "./aguirre/"
>    }
> But then
>  [amandabackup@cback ~]$ amadmin jet1 estimate cfile jet-a
>  cfile.uphs.upenn.edu jet-a 0 2258244750
> shows the size of all ./[a]* dirs, including ./aguirre

If you haven't already found it, you may find the Wiki pages on this
topic to be useful:
In particular, take a close look at the last paragraph in the "Utiliize
and Exclude List" section
(just before the "Do not include the data in the disklist" section
heading), which explains that you don't want to use the trailing slash
in the excluded directory name.  So that probably explains why ./aguirre
not successfully getting excluded from the jet-a dump.

> and then
>  [amandabackup@cback ~]$ amadmin jet1 estimate cfile jet-aguirre
> doesn't output anything.

(I'm not sure about this; does "amadmin jet1 info cfile jet-aguirre"
return anything?)

> Also, this command returns instantly - I'm not sure how it could now the
> size of the DLE instantly after I make changes to it. In fact, if I change
> the jet-a DLE to include ./[a-b]*, the estimate command instantly returns
> the same value. Do I need to tell amanda to reprocess the disklist file?

It seems like the "estimate" command might do some actual estimation for
the highest-numbered dump level (or something), but overall the
"estimate" and "info" subcommands just show info accumulated from
earlier amdump runs and saved under in the "infofile" directory.  (The
files are just text files so you can take a look at them if you are
curious.)  So the data they show won't reflect any changes you've made
to the disklist file until after the next amdump run (and even then the
level 0 info shown won't get updated until a level 0 dump actually
happens, etc....).

(On Debian/Ubuntu this directory is usuall found under
/var/lib/amanda/[CONFIG]/curinfo; if you aren't sure where it is on your
system, "amgetconf jet1 infofile" will tell you.) 


Nathan Stratton Treadway  -  natha...@ontko.com  -  Mid-Atlantic region
Ray Ontko & Co.  -  Software consulting services  -   http://www.ontko.com/
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