> Wed, 25 Feb 2015 kirjutas Michael Stauffer <mgsta...@gmail.com>:
>> Directories:
>>  Application: /usr/local/libexec/amanda/application
>>  Configuration: /usr/local/etc/amanda
>>  GNU Tar lists: /usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists
>>  Perl modules (amperldir): /usr/local/share/perl5
>>  Template and example data files (amdatadir): /usr/local/share/amanda
>>  Temporary: /tmp/amanda
>>  no user specified (--with-user) -- using 'amanda'
>>  no group specified (--with-group) -- using 'backup'
>> These are different dir locations than amanda 3.3.4 which I've been using
>> until now. Is this b/c I've built from source or is that a change effecting
>> rpm's too (not that it seems likely they'd be different I figure).
> As you deduced, this is probably because of different installation method 
> (source vs rpm). Whoever supplied the RPMs that you previously used, had them 
> set up with different configuration settings.
>> The default user and group is now amanda:backup instead of
>> amandabackup:disk. If I want to use this server with existing clients
>> running 3.3.4 is this ok? Or should I rebuild with user amandabackup:disk?
>> Or upgrade clients to 3.3.7?
> The user and group used on the server do not need to be the same as on  
> clients. You can continue using the existing clients.
> -- 
> Toomas Aas

If you are more comfortable using the user and group that you USED to use,  
then start over,
and do the configure with
   —with-user = yourPreferredUser
   —with-group = yourUsualGroup

The user and group you mentioned from the rpms  aren’t familiar to me;  I’ve 
always installed from source.   It sounds like source and rpms have been 
different for
a long while.     You can also specify what directory things should be placed 
in,   if you are used to looking for them there.

Deb Baddorf

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