> On Apr 2, 2016, at 4:30 AM, Stefan G. Weichinger <s...@amanda.org> wrote:
> Am 2016-04-01 um 19:04 schrieb Debra S Baddorf:
>> Yes,  put a link for the disklist.
>> Copy the amanda.conf   but change:
>> dumpcycle 0         # the number of days in the normal ARCHIVE cycle
>> tapecycle  9000    # some infinite number; always fresh tape for archives
>> runtapes  3    #  whatever number it takes to fit all YOUR level-0 backups 
>> on — plus 1 or 2 more for safety
>> redefine your “dailyDump” dump types,  so that the NAME stays the same  (you 
>> are using the same disklist)
>> but the action includes 
>>    strategy noinc    #nothing but full backups;  don't even calculate other 
>> sizes
>>    skip-incr   yes       #dunno if needed, but I do it 
>>    record no              #don’t mess up the RECORD  that the daily backup 
>> is using as reference for incremental
>> Yeah,  it’ll take a long while.   Try to have as much spool space as you 
>> possibly can.
>> I do an archive cycle once a month,  and use the above changes.
> Thanks @Debra,
> I set up a config according to that suggestions now.
> What I have to fix still: using extra "dumpcycle"-lines within the
> specific DLEs in disklist would mess things up in such a setup
> (overriding my new "archive"-dumptype I refer to in all the other
> dumptypes in the new config "archive").
> For now I skipped that by running "amadmin force" ahead of amdump, but
> this should be more polished ;-)

I forgot to reply —  I’ve just started using specific DLEs inside of disklist  
(I had been creating differently named dumptypes  inside of amanda.conf)
so I’ll have to look at that too.   But I also use named dumptypes inside of 
other named dumptypes   (A  inherits all of B,  etc)   so that,
on an archive run,   I just add the archival lines into   the  “master”  
definition,   and then all the other definitions  already include  “master”
as their  basis.   Does that make sense,  or do you need examples?

BUT  I already have a cronjob  doing  “amadmin force”  before my archive job  
JUST TO BE SURE   anyway.   You know,  belt  plus suspenders.
Never hurts.   I don’t consider it  unpolished!

Deb Baddorf

> The goal is to have a setup where we have one archive-tape and n
> daily-tapes in the library and 2 cronjobs ... one for the daily runs,
> one for an archive monthly or so. And things should sort out on its on,
> with the occasional refilling of tapes.
> getting there ;-)
> thanks, Stefan

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