Am 2017-01-06 um 15:08 schrieb Jean-Louis Martineau:

If setting an environment variable is required, try setting it in the
amsamba script before all exec call

$ENV{'LANG'} = 'en_US.UTF-8'

I edited amsamba accordingly, test failed again.

To me it seems that the output of smbclient has changed a bit again and therefore amanda can't interpret its summary line or so:

... dump failed: [no backup size line]

# sendbackup.20170106181516.debug

Fri Jan 06 18:18:36.296112465 2017: pid 30625: thd-0x8060200: sendbackup: 119: strange(?): tar:712 Total bytes received: 6034735616 Fri Jan 06 18:18:36.298046851 2017: pid 30627: thd-0x8060200: sendbackup: Index created successfully Fri Jan 06 18:18:36.479196763 2017: pid 30625: thd-0x8060200: sendbackup: critical (fatal): error [no backup size line]

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