On Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 22:45:52 -0400, hymie! wrote:
> I mean that I don't know, for a fact, that
> michelle-laptop michelle-A /cygdrive/c/Users {
>         simple-gnutar-remote
>         exclude list "/usr/local/etc/amanda/MyConfig/exclude/michelle-laptop"
>         include "./michelle/[A-CE-Za-ce-z]*"
>         estimate calcsize
>         }
> will do what I want it to do.  Can I have an "include" and an "exclude"
> at the same time?  Does the order matter?  Does Windows and/or Cygwin
> work the way I expect Unix to work?
> I mean that I don't yet know exactly **how** small I want these DLEs
> to be.  These are doing backups over wifi, and it's not very good
> wifi to begin with.  I don't want the backups to take 24 hours;
> I don't want them to take 8 hours if I can help it.
> These are, for the most part, single-user machines.  It's not a matter
> of /home/* , it's a matter of /home/hymie/[A-Z]* vs /home/hymie/Downloads
> (which by itself is 18GB) vs /home/hymie/[m-z]* .

It won't answer all your questions, but if you look in the Amanda logs
on the client side you can find inside the "runtar" log the exact
"tar" command that Amanda is using.  This will tell you, for example,
how the "include" and "exclude" options are being processed together.

As far as experimenting with the sizes of different DLEs: If you have
"estimate client", then the runtar log that has a date stamp
corresponding to the "sendsize" log file will have the command Amanda
uses to generate the estimate, something like:
  1491892205.874623: runtar: running: /bin/tar --create --file /dev/null 
--numeric-owner --directory / --one-file-system --listed-incremental 
/var/lib/amanda/gnutar-lists/rushey__0.new --sparse --ignore-failed-read 
--totals --exclude-from /tmp/amanda/sendsize._.20170411023005.exclude .

You would want to point --listed-incremental at your own scratch file,
and perhaps point --exclude-from at a manually-edited a copy of the
*.exclude file as you tried various combinations of excluded
directories, but you should be able to run a version of the command
manually and see the resulting size totals that Amanda would have
obtained for its estimate (i.e. without having to kick off the full dump

(If you switch to the amgtar application, you'll find the equivalent
information in the "amgtar.*" log files.)

I don't know about Cygwin, but if you are using the "PC backups using Samba"
DLE syntax, the smbclient command used for that estimate will be found
directly in the "sendsize" log file, something like:
1491633079.015089: sendsize: Spawning "/usr/bin/smbclient smbclient 
"\\\\HOSTNAME\\Finances" -d 0 -U backup -E -W WORKGROUP -c "archive 
0;recurse;du"" in pipeline

(In general I think it is safe to say that that this behind-the-scenes
smblicent invocation will not behave exactly the way you would expect
Unix to work -- but looking at the smbclient command line and man page
should at least help you figure out what is actually happening....)


Nathan Stratton Treadway  -  natha...@ontko.com  -  Mid-Atlantic region
Ray Ontko & Co.  -  Software consulting services  -   http://www.ontko.com/
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