
I finally found time to upgrade samba from 4.1.23 to 4.4.14 and try this out 
myself. I'm running amanda 3.3.9 on Slackware 14.2 and had no problems with 
samba 4.1.23.

I have applied both patches mentioned. Result: I still get 'Can't translate 
pathname [...] to UTF-8' errors.

The problem is that Slackware doesn't support UTF-8 out of the box. By default 
LANG is set to en_US (apart from that only LC_COLLATE is set to 'C' - no other 
LC_... variables set). On my server I have set LANG to de_DE for german 
umlauts and samba is configured to use ISO-8859-15 ('unix charset = 
ISO-8859-15' in smb.conf).

When I modify amsamba to set LC_CTYPE to 'de_DE' instead of 'en_US.UTF-8' 
before executing smbclient, amdump runs without complaining. So far it looks 
like it might be a better solution to make it configurable what amsamba sets 

Now that amanda dumps all files without errors, I get the following when using 
amrecover to recover a test-file 'Bäcküp.txt':

amrecover> ls
2017-06-05-16-45-41 "Bäcküp.txt"

amrecover> add *
Added file "/Test/Bäcküp.txt"

When extracting amrecover prints

/bin/tar: ./Test/Bäcküp.txt: Nicht im Archiv gefunden.

which means 'not found in archive'.

When I start amrecover with LC_CTYPE set to en_US.UTF-8 it extracts the file, 
but then the saved file is named Bäcküp.txt and not Bäcküp.txt (it's the same 
for de_DE).

Because I use a vtape-configuration for testing I can easily look inside the 
tar in the vtape-directory:

# dd if=00001.soll.__haben_AGENDA_Test.0 bs=32k skip=1 | tar tvzf -
-rw-r--r-- 0/0               6 2017-06-05 16:10 ./Test/Bäcküp.txt

The tar seems to be okay, but amrecover must be doing something wrong. What's 
puzzling me is that another file with umlauts, dumped directly from the linux-
filesystem and not via smbclient, is displayed right by amrecover:

amrecover> ls
2017-06-05-17-31-28 "änöthertest.txt"

Extracting works and the tar itself also looks okay:

# dd if=00002.soll._etc.1 bs=32k skip=1 | tar tvzf - | grep test.txt
-rw-r--r-- root/root         5 2017-06-05 17:30 ./änöthertest.txt

I'm really wondering why there are 2 tar-files with seemingly perfect umlauts, 
but one is displayed wrong in amrecover.

Any ideas?


Am Dienstag, 10. Januar 2017, 09:00:11 schrieb Jean-Louis Martineau:
> Hi All,
> The attached patch fix amsamba in 3.4.1 to works with newer version of
> samba.
> In 3.3.9 you also need the patch from
> https://github.com/zmanda/amanda/commit/585b2139153f8d4a93ccc796983eedfa5a38
> e6ce
> Jean-Louis
> [...]

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