With tape sizes what they are now I'm finally at the point where I have
way more tape than stuff to back up.  To satisfy my inherent laziness,
I'd like to actually fill every tape (or at least come close to filling
them).  And then just leave my library full of tapes without ever
needing to change them out.

My understanding is that Amanda has no way to append to tapes; once it
has started writing to a tape, that tape won't be used again until the
next pass through the tapecycle.  That implies that you must keep
backups on the holding disk and write them only when you'll have a
nearly-full tape.  I have plenty of holding disk (at least until I move
to LTO8) so that isn't an issue.

Currently I have these in amanda.conf:

tapecycle 47 tapes
autoflush yes
taperflush 70
flush-threshold-dumped 70
flush-threshold-scheduled 90

Is that basically all I'm supposed to do?  Because according to the
reports, each tape is only getting about 50% full.  So I think I must be
missing something about how those four flush-related parameters

 - J<

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