Am 17.10.18 um 22:37 schrieb Ashwin Krishna:
So is Jean-Louis still involved or not? Employed by Betsol or ...

Jean Louis is not with BETSOL. He is part of the community though. The previous call was to understand the pain points of the community
in general for governance and contributions. Based on the feedback
from those who attended, we have come up with the action plan as
mentioned in the previous mail and we will drive it.

What features do we need, is there a plan to further migrate to
perl code, what are the platforms covered, etc

As we have been with Amanda for a very short time, we will gradually
get there. Meanwhile, any of the existing members want to take up the
initiative to drive this?

Define "this".

Provide an issue tracker etc ASAP for users to be able to contribute feature requests and patches etc

We all wait and have numerous things to report etc

AND: communicate! reply!

See this list, 3 or more issues since your last posting, no upstream developer has replied so far, right?


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