On 10/17/18 10:37 PM, Ashwin Krishna wrote:
> The previous call was to understand the pain points of the community
> in general for governance and contributions. Based on the feedback
> from those who attended, we have come up with the action plan as
> mentioned in the previous mail and we will drive it.


I didn't see a very concrete action plan with responsibilities or dates
in the previous e-mail.

I don't know anything about the situation at BETSOL, Zmanda, JLM with
regards to staffing and funding for the amanda / Zmanda development (or
in general). Or how the development process used to be, besides what can
be seen on github.

So here's my 2ct.

As the meeting minutes state and others already pointed out we should
probably use github with wiki. So someone with access rights should tick
[x] Wikis on github's Settings page and/or enable Pages. AFAICS there
are two people, martineau and NingZhangWisc according to

ASAP you (or we?) should find someone to enable small PR merges so eg.
Dustins fix PR#92 and others can get into a minor version bump later.

There probably needs to be a software architect that decides directions
for heavier things like Chap's PR#78. Is there one? Are there (paid?)
people working on github issues?

The suggestions from Dustin were also good and should find their way in
some kind of roadmap (which could be a simple .md on github).

Some eg. monthly information for the community what's happening behind
the scenes would be nice.

Yours, Uwe

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