On Wednesday 31 October 2018 14:52:46 Debra S Baddorf wrote:

> “  Those datestamps are obviously wrong, should be 20181031  "
> The two DLE’s that you showed, with datestamp “wrong”, are among the
> “too small” disks you are talking about.   So it seems that the
> datestamp probably isn’t wrong? These sets are being missed?
> (Not completely following, cuz it’s not (so far) relevant to me.)
> But the date thing seems to be real, so I thought I’d point it out.
> Deb Baddorf
Nope, Deb, those dle's are present, and carrying todays date when the 
vtape is accessed by an ls -l, as I posted a few hours ago.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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