On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 13:56:33 -0500, Chris Nighswonger wrote:
> backup@scriptor:~ amadmin campus info host dev
> Current info for host dev:
>   Stats: dump rates (kps), Full:  6015.9, 5898.2, 5771.4
>                     Incremental:  1658.2, 1456.6, 343.4
>           compressed size, Full:  66.9%, 67.4%, 67.8%
>                     Incremental:  71.3%, 68.0%, 67.4%
>   Dumps: lev datestmp  tape             file   origK   compK secs
>           0  19691231                   0 -1 -1 -1
>  That timestamp is a bit odd, but...
> (I don't know off hand why Amanada would have saved a "no data recorded"
> > status rather than still having a record of the last time ZWC ran
> > sucessfully -- perhaps the last successful dump went to a volume that
> > has since been overwritten, and so the entry had to be deleted from the
> > info database without anything new replacing it?)
> >
> >
> This makes the most sense. This client has been offline for two cycles.

Yeah, notice the "tape" column is empty, and the rest of the columes are
0 or -1.  It definitely removed all traces of whatever was there before
(and presumably there was something there at some point, since the
Stats: section has data), so the "last succcessfully dump's volume has
since been overwritten" explanation seems to fit.


Nathan Stratton Treadway  -  natha...@ontko.com  -  Mid-Atlantic region
Ray Ontko & Co.  -  Software consulting services  -   http://www.ontko.com/
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