On Wed, Nov 28, 2018 at 16:54:08 -0800, Chris Deiss wrote:
> Hi,
> Under previous version of amvault, I was able to do this:
> amvault -o diskfile=/usr/local/etc/amanda/daily/disklist.drs . . .
> and it worked great!  Was an excellent was to vault only a subset of DLEs to 
> special media/storage.

What version were you using when this worked?

> It???s not working under 3.5.1, instead it defaults to the disklist
> parameter defined in amanda.conf.  Other options like '-o tapecycle=2'
> _do_ work with the latest amvault, so it???s not a total failure to
> modify the config, just appears to be a problem which includes the
> ???disklist' parameter.

There were some fixes to config-parameter processing in the versions
leading up to v3.5.1.  Off hand I wouldn't expect those changes to cause
the symptoms you describe, but it's possible.  I will try to look at the
code for amvault and see if anything obvious is going on.

I take it there is no error message?  

What happens if you specify a path to a non-existant file, or something
like that?

Depending on what I find in the code for amvault, it might help narrow
in on the problem to have the full command line you are trying to run,
as well as a bit more information on what list of DLEs you want to vault
and which ones are actually getting vaulted instead....

> If anyone has alternative ways to vault a subset of DLEs, or an

Well, amvault does accept a number of parameters and arguments to
control what gets vaulted, but I guess those might not be sufficient if
your disklist.drs list is long and arbitrary...

> effective way to report a bug, please let me know.

(This mailing list is currently the best way to report a bug...)


Nathan Stratton Treadway  -  natha...@ontko.com  -  Mid-Atlantic region
Ray Ontko & Co.  -  Software consulting services  -   http://www.ontko.com/
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