On 12/4/18 5:41 PM, Chris Nighswonger wrote:
> So when I run amstatus <config> I see stuff like this:
> From Mon Dec  3 22:00:01 EST 2018
> <snip>
> 1    359952k dumping   533792k (148.30%) (1+11:29:10)
> For reference:
> backup@scriptor:~ date
> Tue Dec  4 11:37:07 EST 2018
> I'm assuming that the last field is the time the dumper has been
> running. But that is impossible as this dump began at 2200 yesterday and
> amstatus was run at 1129 today (12:29 later). So it appears that the
> 11:29:10 part is nearly correct, but the 1+ part is clearly not.

The last column is the current time for running dumps, or the last time
it was dumping for DLEs that are already dumped (== finish time).

There is special coding in place to put N+ in front of the current time
if it was started on N day(s) before now, see

Yours, Uwe

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