Amanda people:  does the newer amanda have any means to dump to tape
while still retaining a copy on the holding disk?

Dumping to tape, and then vaulting BACK to a disk area seems excessive,
if there is a better way?

Deb Baddorf   (asking for Stefan Weichinger)

> On Jan 15, 2019, at 1:34 PM, Stefan G. Weichinger <> wrote:
> Am 14.01.19 um 19:05 schrieb Debra S Baddorf:
>> You can let the normal job send the dumps to tape,  and then
>> “vault”  a copy back onto a “vtape”  on disk  (not your holding disk,
>> but that’s semantics).
>> That might suit your need.
>> I’ve done vaulting from a tape onto a disk area …..  moved the
>> disk area to another node,  and vaulted again to copy it to a
>> different flavor of tape drive.       So the very first part of my task
>> might suit you to a tee.
> I understand that this might work but it seems to way more steps than
> having a second "storage" to flush the holdingdisk content to. If that
> works (and the "storage" doesn't allow to filter the lev0 afaik).
> I haven't yet found the time and the brain to continue testing that so far.

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