On Saturday 25 May 2019 07:49:57 pm Nathan Stratton Treadway wrote:

> On Sat, May 25, 2019 at 17:16:55 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Saturday 25 May 2019 01:21:41 pm Nathan Stratton Treadway wrote:
> > > The Salsa repo is for the official Debian packages.  I don't
> > > believe there is any reason for you to download from it -- you
> > > should use the Zmanda release tar files (or for bleeding edge, the
> > > Zmanda github repo) directly.
> >
> > git clone $$$$$$$$$$ please.
> Yes, if you want to be doing the bleeding-edge canary thing, you
> should be using a clone from the Zmanda github repo.  (I believe I saw
> Chris say that you want to to use the origina/3_5 branch, but I am not
> sure exactly how the branches-are-currently-branched as far as
> building non-Debianized builds....)
> > What I got from github last required i
> > completely redo my paaswd and group files and still insisted it was
> > amandabackup.
> The user and group stuff is controlled at configure/build/install
> time, not (directly) based on the repo you pull from.  So I think the
> reason you had those passwd/group troubles before was that you
> followed the instructions for building the Zmanda .deb files (and then
> installed them), rather than using your gh.cf script to build the
> just-checked-out source code as you had previously done.
> > I just checked the first client machine and there is only backup in
> > either group or passwd.  So there's never been an amandabackup  on
> > those wheezy nachines, Thats straight debian built clients, right
> > straight from the debian repos.
> Yes, if you use the official Debian repos, backup:backup is what you
> will find.
> > Thats why this amandabackup as the user was a
> > total surprise to me.  Serves zero useful purpose and breaks
> > compatibility all over the place.
> It it definitely not useful for you -- you should avoid building the
> Zmanda Debian packages.
> > All the clients use one access
> > control file the lives in /var/backups/.amandahosts and is
> > softlinked to /etc/amandahosts.  And contains:
> >
> > localhost root amindexd amidxtaped
> > coyote.coyote.den amanda amdump
> >
> > Basicly telling that client the the server known as
> > coyote.coyote.den has rights to run the client software named in
> > order to do the backup. And its been that way for close to a decade.
> Right, this is normal for the official Debian packages (which you use
> on your client machines).
> On your server machine, though, you should stick to your gh.cf script
> (which uses user=amanda... and does not produce .deb files); this will
> result in diffent paths, pemissions, and ownership than what's found
> on the clients, but will match the way it has been on the server
> previously.
> > > The official Debian Amanda packages have always[*] used
> > > user=backup, group=backup.
> >
> > No they have not!
> >
> > > The Zmanda Debian packages have always[*] used user=amandabackup,
> > > group=disk for the Amanda programs (as documented on
> >
> > No they have not!>
> >
> > > http://wiki.zmanda.com/index.php/Amanda_packages_from_Zmanda_downl
> > >oads _page ).
> I'm not sure what you think is true instead... but I am confident that
> if you want to use the user "amanda" (i.e. to go back to what you have
> been doing on that server for the past many years) then you will need
> to avoid building .deb files and instead use your gh.cf script.
>                                                       Nathan
The point is, that 3 of the 4 client machines are amd32 architecture 
installs from the wheezy repo's, and one is an armhf running jessie,
but two have the same install profile, and 2 have a different profile. 
How it got that way I have no clue, the jessie raspi install, has a 
backup at 34 in the passwd file, and the group has disk entry at 6 with 
backup being a member, and its has worked fine for about 3 years. There 
is not an amanda or amandabackup entry in either file.

A much more recent wheezy install from the same dvd as the other 3 amd32 
machines, has an amandabackup at usr 63998 with a /var/lib/amanda as a 
home dir, and /bin/bash as its login shell.  And its worked up until I 
put stretch on this machine.

The next newest install, from the same dvd, would be one my grizzly GO704
Its passwd file has a bcackup at 34 and an amanda at 1001, and its group 
says  disk:x:6:gene,amanda,backup

The oldest install, again from that same dvd, is on a small lathe most of 
the folks on the emc list know as TLM for The Little Monster because I 
put a 1 hp treadmill motor on it, and it strong enough to break drive 
parts so I've spent a lot of time swearing like a sailor at it.
its passwd has a backup at 34, and an 
with its group showing disk:x:6:amandabackup, and it too just worked for 
most of 16 years now, over a hunk of cat5 about 45 feet long that has 
been blowing in the wind since I strung it from the back porch to a 
12x16 shed in the upper corner of the back yard in about 2003. Same 
cable. Survived a 120+ mph blow in June of 2010 that took down 4 40 yo 
pine trees, part of the house roof and snapped off the fenceposts of 
around 75 foot of privacy fence. $18000 total.

Same install dvd for 4 of them because this machines wheezy install was 
also done with that same dvd. 4 different passwd and group settings, yet 
it all just worked.

Now I think I have all the clients but this machine working, so maybe its 
time to go see what I have to do to my passwd and group files to make 
3.5.1, built with my script, just work. Then incorporate those changes 
into GenesAmandaHelper and make that work, making it version 0.62, too.

Probably just in time to break it all by upgrading to buster...

The zmanda copy was last touched 6 months ago according to git. And only 
came as a tar.zip.

So where do I get a tarball that incorporates the work done here over the 
last couple months? 

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>------ Nathan Stratton Treadway  -  natha...@ontko.com  -  Mid-Atlantic
> region Ray Ontko & Co.  -  Software consulting services  -  
> http://www.ontko.com/ GPG Key:
> http://www.ontko.com/~nathanst/gpg_key.txt   ID: 1023D/ECFB6239 Key
> fingerprint = 6AD8 485E 20B9 5C71 231C  0C32 15F3 ADCD ECFB 6239

Copyright 2019 by Maurice E. Heskett
Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
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