Jon LaBadie <> writes:

> On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 11:44:02AM +0200, Diego Zuccato wrote:
>> Il 27/08/19 05:55, Olivier ha scritto:
>> > But a disk dedicated to vtapes should be doing a lot of sequetial
>> > accesses: once it has been formatted and the slots have been assigned,
>> > it is writting files the size of one Amanda's chunk. In fact, that would
>> > be worth a study: the disk usage for vtapes vs. normal disk usage.
>> That's the *perfect* use-case for SMR drives. But they'd need either no
>> filesystem (like tapes :) ) or a dedicated one.
>> Is it possible to use raw devices as vtapes?
> My guess is that vtapes are expecting normal *nix file
> names and system/library calls.

They do, indeed.

> I'm pretty sure it would be possible to write a FUSE (file system
> in user space extension) to implement what you imagine.

Or write another device for Amanda to use, it would not be vtape, it
would be ... something.


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