On Thu, Mar 10, 2022 at 09:55:30 -0500, Robert Heller wrote:
> Here is the Java fragment:
> public class FlushOldVaults extends BackupVault {
>     private static final String AMTAPE = "/usr/sbin/amtape";
>     private static final String AMTAPEOPT1 = "-otpchanger=vault_changer";
>     private static final String AMTAPEOPT2 = "-ointeractivity=";

You would probably be able to confirm this by looking in the amanda
log/debug files for the amtape process (i.e.
/var/log/amanda/server/<CONFIG>/amtape.*.debug on Ubuntu) , but I'm pretty
sure that you do actually need the empty argument in order to disable
the interactivity, something like
     private static final String AMTAPEOPT2 = "-ointeractivity=''";

(I am not particularly certain that interactivity is your specific
problem, but it seemed a plausible explaination and one that that was
fairly easy to test out...)

>         if (!p.waitFor(60L, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
>             System.err.printf("*** FlushOldVaults.amtape(): process 
> timeout\n");
>             String kill[] = new String[2];
>             kill[0] = "/bin/kill";
>             Long j = new Long(p.pid());
>             kill[1] = j.toString();
>             Process killproc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(kill);
>             killproc.waitFor();

Note that in order to use the strace debugging, you'll probably need to
disable this timeout+kill logic -- otherwise the amtape process won't
hang out long enough for you to figure out what it's trying to do when
when it's "stuck"....


Nathan Stratton Treadway  -  natha...@ontko.com  -  Mid-Atlantic region
Ray Ontko & Co.  -  Software consulting services  -   http://www.ontko.com/
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