On Thu, Mar 10, 2022 at 17:08:36 -0500, Robert Heller wrote:

> (I have no interactivity configuration in any of my
> configurations files, so it is presumably defaulting to being empty.)

(See below...)

> Here is the diff:
> *** amtape-java.debug 2022-03-10 16:14:52.556321620 -0500
> --- amtape-shell.debug        2022-03-10 16:11:33.357521853 -0500
> ***************
> *** 1,87 ****
> ! Thu Mar 10 16:13:15.068034312 2022: pid 19101: thd-0x55f1f8259c00: amtape: 
> pid 19101 ruid 34 euid 34 version 3.5.1: start at Thu Mar 10 16:13:15 2022
> ! Thu Mar 10 16:13:15.068101557 2022: pid 19101: thd-0x55f1f8259c00: amtape: 
> Arguments: -otpchanger=vault_changer -ointeractivity= deepsoft-normal label 
> examplevault
> ! Thu Mar 10 16:13:15.068391863 2022: pid 19101: thd-0x55f1f8259c00: amtape: 
> config_overrides: tpchanger vault_changer
> ! Thu Mar 10 16:13:15.068403765 2022: pid 19101: thd-0x55f1f8259c00: amtape: 
> config_overrides: interactivity 
> ! Thu Mar 10 16:13:15.068513641 2022: pid 19101: thd-0x55f1f8259c00: amtape: 
> reading config file /etc/amanda/deepsoft-normal/amanda.conf
> ! Thu Mar 10 16:13:15.068536891 2022: pid 19101: thd-0x55f1f8259c00: amtape: 
> reading config file /etc/amanda/deepsoft-common/amanda.conf

I had in mind your paging through the two files in separate windows
side-by-side, eyeballing for differences in program activity.

For "diff" to be much use you really need to strip off the front part of
each line (datetime, pid, and thd), using something like:

  $ sed -e's/.*00: amtape:/amtape:/' amtape-java.debug > amtape-java.debug_clean
  $ sed -e's/.*00: amtape:/amtape:/' amtape_shell.debug > 

(and then running the diff on the _clean versions).

However, looking through the listing you posted, I did notice something:

> --- 1,104 ----
> ! Thu Mar 10 16:09:04.258210052 2022: pid 18689: thd-0x55c92c51d000: amtape: 
> pid 18689 ruid 34 euid 34 version 3.5.1: start at Thu Mar 10 16:09:04 2022
> ! Thu Mar 10 16:09:04.258287566 2022: pid 18689: thd-0x55c92c51d000: amtape: 
> Arguments: -otpchanger=vault_changer deepsoft-normal label examplevault
> ! Thu Mar 10 16:09:04.258592995 2022: pid 18689: thd-0x55c92c51d000: amtape: 
> config_overrides: tpchanger vault_changer
> ! Thu Mar 10 16:09:04.258713649 2022: pid 18689: thd-0x55c92c51d000: amtape: 
> reading config file /etc/amanda/deepsoft-normal/amanda.conf
> ! Thu Mar 10 16:09:04.258739621 2022: pid 18689: thd-0x55c92c51d000: amtape: 
> reading config file /etc/amanda/deepsoft-common/amanda.conf
> ! Thu Mar 10 16:09:04.312355119 2022: pid 18689: thd-0x55c92c51d000: amtape: 
> pid 18689 ruid 34 euid 34 version 3.5.1: rename at Thu Mar 10 16:09:04 2022
> ! Thu Mar 10 16:09:04.322326242 2022: pid 18689: thd-0x55c92c51d000: amtape: 
> Disabling Amanda::Interactivity::stdin because STDIN is not readable

So it does appear that some Interactivity based on the stdin.pm module
was used by that particular invocation of amtape....

I'm still pretty confused about the exact behavior you are seeing (i.e.
why it's hanging in the Java context, and why the attempt to pass in an
empty -ointeractivity option doesn't seem to make any difference,

... but since the stdin plugin is deprecated, it seems worth
investigating where that's getting configured in the first place... 

I see from the above messages that amanda is reading both 
deepsoft-normal/amanda.conf and deepsoft-common/amanda.conf .

(If it's not clear from those files where the default interactivity is
being set, it might help for you to post the output of "amadmin
deepsoft-normal config"...)


Nathan Stratton Treadway  -  natha...@ontko.com  -  Mid-Atlantic region
Ray Ontko & Co.  -  Software consulting services  -   http://www.ontko.com/
 GPG Key: http://www.ontko.com/~nathanst/gpg_key.txt   ID: 1023D/ECFB6239
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