malteveerman added a comment.

  In D11862#239984 <>, @markey wrote:
  > See, the problem with removing features like this is, there will be a huge 
outcry from users. That's guaranteed, even without knowing for sure how much 
the scripting feature is really used in the wild.
  > I was discussing about this with Heiko. Maybe QtScript could be replaced 
with QJSEngine, similar to how the following patch for another project attempts 
to do it?
  I see your point about removing features. But I've taken a look at the most 
popular scripts on and they all rely on Qt bindings. Unless 
there is some way to restore bindings support this feature is broken and people 
will complain anyway.
  About replacing QtScript with QJSEngine: I think it's quite possible to do 
so, but I have my doubts if the development and maintenance work is worth it 
given our limited manpower.
  Anyway, I'll open a new revision just with the patch that implements the 
lyrics functionality in C++.

  R181 Amarok


To: malteveerman, #amarok
Cc: markey, #amarok, jackyalcine, nhuisman, paul, yaohanchen, malteveerman, 
cochise, tbettler, Smar, ricktimmis, asturmlechner, schweingruber, heikobecker

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