testacc wrote:

I have a lot of questions, please try to answer all of them. Note that
any change to your system from your current setup may drastically
effect the way your mail system functions, it may even break it. I
recommend you answer the questions, but do not make any changes to your

> Gary, every information is useful, so you don't have to apologize !!!

>> testacc wrote:
>>> What I can try is to change /usr/sbin/amavisd and change here the
>>> min_expansion_quota in direct values.
>>> But this shouldn't be a solution off course.
>> testacc, I have a question. Do you also have /usr/sbin/amavisd-new ?

> Yes I have, I only have that one... amavisd was a typo, I missed -new. Sorry

>> If you installed amavisd-new from Debian, then amavisd-new will start
>> up automatically when the system starts. In a Debian system, If you
>> want to use Maia, you would copy the patched version of amavisd to
>> /usr/sbin/amavisd-new. In other words, you would replace
>> /usr/sbin/amavisd-new with the Maia version of amavisd. At this
>> point, you may be running two copies of amavisd.

> OK, but where is the patched version located at the moment ? In the
> maia-directory you think ? I saw something with almost the same code as in
> /usr/sbin/amavisd-new

It is not hard to tell if a file is a Maia file, I'm sure you will
find the words "Maia Mailguard" in the file.

Let me ask you: Have you installed the Debian version of amavisd-new?
I assume you have because you have a file named /usr/sbin/amavisd-new

>> Before you do anything, make sure you have not stopped amavisd,
>> then run 'ps aux | grep amavis' and let us know what it says.

> # ps aux | grep amavis
> amavis   26876  0.0  1.5 35372 32152 ?       Ss   Jun22   0:00 amavisd
> (master)
> amavis   29284  0.0  1.5 36080 33168 ?       S    19:00   0:02 amavisd
> (child)
> amavis   30466  0.0  1.5 35372 32152 ?       S    19:33   0:00 amavisd
> (virgin child)
> root     31393  0.0  0.0  1840  604 pts/0    S+   20:02   0:00 grep amavis
> mail-01:/etc/amavis#

OK, You are running only one copy.

>> What commands are you using when you stop and start amavisd-new?
>> Are you using?:
>> amavisd stop
>> amavisd start
>> or are you using?:
>> amavisd-new stop
>> amavisd-new start

> I triede everythin that you typed above here. I have noticed that when I
> use ./amavisd restart it comes with this: (starting amavisd-new)

And exactly what happens when you use 'amavisd-new stop' and 'amavisd-new
start' ?

> ./amavis restart
> Stopping amavisd: (not running).
> Starting amavisd: amavisd-new.

Are you really typing ./amavis ? You said "when I use ./amavisd"
What directory are you in when you run this command?

If you are running as root, cd to root's home
directory and issue the same commands above without using the "./" and
tell me what happens in each case.

Answer this: After the system is rebooted, do you have to do anything
to start Maia, or is it already running?
If you have to do something, EXACTLY what is it you do?

>> At some point you may have missed two important concepts:
>> 1) The Debian name for amavisd is amavisd-new.
>> 2) Maia does not work *with* amavisd-new, it *replaces* it.

> 1) Yes, sorry..... typo :)
> 2) Yes I understand now, but you forst have to install it ? From you
> earlier post I understood you shouldn't. Please explain again.

It's a simple concept. To install Maia on a Debian system, first you
would install the Debian version of amavisd-new. Then you would follow
the instructions supplied with Maia to install Maia. The hard part is
to keep this in mind: the file names and directory names will be
different on a Debian system than the examples in the instructions.

The example may show
/usr/local/sbin/amavisd for the program name
but Debian uses
/usr/sbin/amavisd-new for the program name

The example may show
/var/amavis is the amavis directory
but Debian uses

The example may show
but Debian uses
and so on, and so on.

If you use the standard Maia production files, you replace
/usr/sbin/amavisd-new with the Maia patched version of amavisd.

You would also have to create a symbolic link from /etc/amavisd.conf to
/etc/amavis/amavisd.conf or Maia will not start.
Here is an example, but don't do this right now:
ln -s /etc/amavis/amavisd.conf /etc/amavisd.conf

I will have to assume that it is also possible that you have obtained
some Maia files that are not the standard production files and they
have special names so they don't get confused with the production
version. If this is the case, you typically would prevent the Debian
version of amavisd-new from starting itself up when the system
reboots, and you would either have to manually start up Maia, or
modify the existing amavisd-new startup script to start
up Maia *instead* of amavisd-new.

>> Gary V

> When I rename maia-amavisd.conf and restart amavis I get this indeed as
> you was supposing:

> /amavis restart
> Stopping amavisd: (not running).
> Starting amavisd: Config file /etc/amavisd.conf does not exist at
> /usr/sbin/amavisd-new line 595.
> (failed).

you used "/amavis restart" again. Do you really start a program this
way, or is this another typo? Is this how you normally start Maia?
This also shows that this program was not running and will never
run without a configuration file.

OK, it appears that here you are trying to start up either an original
version of amavisd (not the Debian version), or the Maia version of
amavisd. How do I know this? Because on a Debian system, amavisd.conf
is stored in /etc/amavis/amavisd.conf, and the program you are running
is looking for /etc/amavisd.conf.

I would say that you are probably running the
Debian version of amavisd-new and are using /etc/amavis/amavisd.conf
as the configuration file.

Gary V

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