Just an update to everyone.

I just got the data from our outsourced spam provider.

Yesterday, the 19th, they processed 123,728 messages for us. Of those, 71,097 were blocked and 20,000 quarantined.

So my question below should wrap around that data. Will it be able to process 123,728 messages per day, with antivirus/antispam and local mail delivery?

I have measures in place to bounce incoming mail with invalid HELO's, invalid domains, etc. and that happens first, so that will block a lot of messages.



On Wed, 20 Jul 2005, Matt Juszczak wrote:

Hi all,

We're running postfix right now on our mail server. Mail server always has 97% CPU idle and we have 4 gb of RAM, to which most is usually free.

We deliver mail for about 5000 accounts, but our spam filtering is currently outsourced to Postini. I don't know off the top of my head how hammered postini gets for messages addressed to our domain names, but I'm sure its a lot (we've been an ISP for 10 years).

I have amavisd-new running on this mail server with anti virus and spam assassin. I'm afraid that when we turn postini off and switch our MX records over, the machine will just get overloaded, even though its dual xeon 3.4 ghz/4 GB RAM, etc....

I actually wasn't amazingly afraid until a coworker mentioned something.

How well should this setup handle OK? What about during a DOS attack? Should I put amavisd-new on another machine? If I do that, that machine might not be able to take the load anyway.....

Thanks in advance for any ideas,


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