lør, 20.08.2005 kl. 16.06 skrev [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> Zitat von Michael Scheidell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > According to the auto-ignore I just got from msn.com, it looks like they
> > will be ignoring complaints about spaces msn com spam because it doesn't
> > originate from an msn.com email address:
> This seams to be a common approach today from the MS mail providers. Just got
> the reply below for a complaint about some spam from a hotmail server
> (bay5-f13.bay5.hotmail.com []) without a hotmail address as
> envelope sender :
> "Unfortunately, we cannot take action on the mail you sent us because it does
> not reference a Hotmail account. Please send us another message that contains
> the full Hotmail e-mail address and the full e-mail message to:
> I guess i should block the whole *.hotmail.com crap anyway...

That would be stupid.

Get yourself a proper MTA, such as Postfix 2.1.x or more recent. If you
already have it and are using it, learn to configure it. My site,
mail.barlaeus.nl (1150+ users, Postfix 2.1.5), using gld greylisting
*and* recent amavisd-new for AV, gets masses of Hotmail stuff,

If you want to reject spam from hotmail addresses, they should
definitely have a hotmail envelope sender address.

Likewise msn addresses, which should have msn env ....


To Liza Picquard (?), by Phil Williams on BBC Radio 5, Wed. 10th Aug.
2005, 15:59 CEST:

"What is your definition of 'poor'?"
"Well, if your only occupation is collecting dog turds for a living,
you're pretty poor ..."


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