This discussion presents a large set of problems. In general I think
it has to be decided up front if a message triggers a PASS on any
of the four tests whether the results of subsequent tests are ignored
or not.

To simplify and make things consistent, I am thinking that maybe it
should be true that making someone a lover *should* be the functional
equivalent of setting $final_*_destiny = D_PASS; for that recipient
in all four cases.

If you establish that once a PASS is given, the mail is delivered,
this is the simplest and most predictable scenario but at a cost of

If you establish that even if a previous test triggers a PASS,
subsequent tests can override the decision, it becomes more
complicated (but also more flexible). You would have to come up with
scenarios where subsequent tests could selectively decide whether a
message would PASS or not (some of which could be done with *lovers
maps). The problem would be where you have someone that (for example)
wants viruses, but does not wish to get any spam. You can't make them
a spam lover in this case, so I think you would have to make the spam
test conditional on the result of the virus test. To account for every
possible case of what a user may desire, you might have to come up with
stuff like:

If virus test triggers PASS, ignore result from all subsequent tests.
If virus test triggers PASS, honor result from banned but ignore spam and badh 
If virus test triggers PASS, honor result from banned and spam, but ignore badh 
If virus test triggers PASS, honor result from spam, but ignore banned and badh 

virus   PASS
banned  0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0
spam    0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
badh    0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1

0 = ignore
1 = honor

and so on for each remaining test, which if resulted in a PASS would
then follow its own (shorter) logic table of subsequent tests.

Throw in *bypass* and account for multi-recipient mail and all in all
it makes for a fun thought process.

Gary V

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