On Feb 24, 2006, at 13:08 , Shane Hickey wrote:

Joachim Schoenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-02-24 12:57]:
Hello list,

is there really nobody using this feature (domain splitting)?
I am responsible for several domains and would like to
divide the traffic graphs...

As I understand it, the domain feature in amavis-statis only works for to segregate the traffic based on which syslog server sent it. That is to say, if you have one mailserver with many domains, it's not going to create graphs per domain. However, if you had 3 mailservers each with their own domain all sending syslog back to the machine running amavis-stats, then you could see all 3 graphs. I wish it worked the way that you want. I, too, have many domains on this server and many relay domains, I'd like to be able to see stats for each of them, but I don't think that's how it works today.

Not entirely try, I've successfully graphed multi domains from a single server using multiple instances of amavisd-new and this will be changing in the near future as amavisd-new progresses.


-- Dale

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