I noticed in dag's amavisd-new 2.3.3 spec for amavisd the info below which goes against everything I have found in the archives for the amavisd-new list:

### No longer required with new amavisd-new
#Requires: perl(Digest::MD5) >= 2.22, perl-HTML-Parser >= 3.24

But the INSTALL file for amavisd-new 2.3.3 says:
Digest::MD5    (Digest-MD5-x.xx) (2.22 or later)

RedHat 9's perl 5.8.0 packages Digest::MD5 with the main perl rpm which is at version 2.20.

Anyone know which is correct? I would hope dag would not drop the requirement when it would break amavisd-new. Trying to upgrade Digest::MD5 on RH9 will be tricky so I have my fingers crossed that 2.20 is ok.

NOTE: I will not be using DAG's rpm regardless BTW... I am mainly using the spec to find out how he got around the newer MD5 requirement in amavisd-new.

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