Lucio Chiappetti schrieb:
> This is a shorter request for clarification (see previous longer post for 
> details) about our attempt to replace our pure sendmail with DNSBL 
> filtering policy with one based on sendmail 8.13.1, amavisd-new-2.1.2 in 
> the "milter" configuration and spamassassin (spamd ??) 3.0.4

Why don't you use a newer version of amavisd-new?

> QUESTION 0) is spamd necessary ?

>   Shall we run spamd or not ?

No (unless amavisd-new/milter is completely different). spamd is used
to eliminate the overhead of starting the spamassassin command line
tool. amavisd-new uses the SpamAssassin modules directly and therefore
does not use spamd.

> QUESTION 3) Hits: - in syslog

> We see in the mail log some "amavis Passed CLEAN" entries which have a 
> non-numeric spamassassin score (Hits: -).

> Is this related to $sa_timeout ? Should we raise this timeout to a value
> higher than default ? Will it be honoured in milter configuration ?

I think "Hits: -" means that the spam scan did not run or did not
complete successfully. Either you got a SpamAssassin timeout (which is
noted in the logs IIRC) or you disabled spam scanning for that


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