Karsten Scheibler wrote:
> Hello,
> I've written (yet another) loganalyze script for postfix and amavis.
> Currently i use the message-id of a mail to bring together all postfix and 
> amavis log entries belonging to a specific mail (after using queue-id and 
> amavis pid+child_id to get all postfix and amavis entries belonging to one 
> mail). But this is error prone in some situations:
> 1. if mail is forwarded internally, some mail servers use the same message id 
>    again, so i see log entries belonging to different mail transactions but 
>    with the same message-id
> 2. forged message-ids are logged differently by postfix and amavis if they 
>    contain invalid characters, so i'm not able to find the matching postfix 
>    and amavis entries
> To circumvent these problems, i thought on adding some uniq-id as X-Header in 
> the first postfix instance (and logging it), logging it also with amavis and 
> in the last postfix instance, which would also removes the header. So the 
> main 
> logic of the log extracting code would stay the same, but now based on a sane 
> id. Currently i see no way to realize this without modifying postfix (i don't 
> think that i could do it with the PREPEND action, because i need a uniq 
> string for every incoming mail).
> Before investing more time into it i wanted to ask, if someone did something 
> similar or if there is a better way to do what i want to do.
message-id is unreliable (it is generated by an external system). use 
the queue-id instead:

1- when postfix delivers mail to amavisd, it logs something like

..... status=sent (250 2.6.0 Ok, id=27947-07, from 
MTA([]:10025): 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 986A379123)

get the "id=27947-07" and "queued as 986A379123". this gives 2 informations:

2- amavisd logs something like
... (27947-07) Passed* ... *queued_as: 986A379123, 6268 ms

get the "(27947-07)" and the "queued_as: 986A379123"

3- when amavisd passes the mail back to postfix, postfix logs something 
....: 986A379123: ...

get the "986A379123" (the queue id).

PS. Pay attention to the order of the log lines (they come in reverse 

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