Michael wrote:

> BLACKLISTED spam is quarantined (I guess 0 is less than the cutoff level
> of 4)
> Don't know if I noticed this before.
> Using sql based blacklist.
> (I think I read you can assign numbers to wblist.wb instead of 'W' or
> 'B')

for soft wbl, yes you can

> X-Spam-Score: 0
> X-Spam-Level:
> ****************************************************************
> X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=x tag=-999 tag2=4 kill=4 BLACKLISTED tests=[]

The score is actually x (not relevant?), BLACKLISTED is higher than any
possible kill_level. For mail that is delivered, the score would
read "X-Spam-Score: -", but it looks like in the quarantined message
it says "X-Spam-Score: 0" and it appears that is the number that is
compared to spam_quarantine_cutoff_level. So I see what you mean. The
expected behavior would be that given BLACKLISTED is higher than any
possible kill_level, we would assume BLACKLISTED would also be higher
than any possible spam_quarantine_cutoff_level, but this is not the
case. I set spam_quarantine_cutoff_level = -1; (not much different
than setting $spam_quarantine_to = undef;) and BLACKLISTED mail was
no longer quarantined. It looks like the use of soft blacklisting is
a way to push the score above spam_quarantine_cutoff_level, so your
idea to use it will discard this mail, if that is your goal.

> In amavisd.conf:

> $final_spam_destiny=D_BOUNCE;

> In sql policy:

>  select  spam_quarantine_cutoff_level from policy where
> policy_name='@fdma.com'; 
> +------------------------------+
> | spam_quarantine_cutoff_level |
> +------------------------------+
> |                            4 |
> +------------------------------+

>  select * from wblist;
> +-----+-----+----+
> | rid | sid | wb |
> +-----+-----+----+
> |   1 |   1 | W  |
> |   1 |   2 | W  |
> |   1 |   3 | B  |
> |   1 |   4 | B  |
> |   1 |   5 | W  |
> |   2 |   6 | W  |
> |   2 |   7 | B  |
> |   2 |   8 | B  |
> +-----+-----+----+
> select * from mailaddr;
> +----+----------+----------------------------+
> | id | priority | email                      |
> +----+----------+----------------------------+
> |  1 |        5 | @listserver.hackertrap.net |
> |  2 |        7 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |
> |  3 |        5 | @paypal.com                  |
> |  4 |        7 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]     |
> |  5 |        7 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]        |
> |  6 |        9 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]               |
> |  7 |        9 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]     |
> |  8 |        5 | @lists.tehcsupport.com      |
> +----+----------+----------------------------+

Gary V

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