was 'clean-archive' supposed to archive the disclaimed (mangled) email? 
or original email?

I    THINK I followed the rules.

logs thinks it did
mangling by altermime (disclaimer) done, new size: 1498, orig 1242 bytes

.  but I don't think clean-archive did. (I looked at file)

which one did it send?  logs shows another size sent: (and this email, 
what was at bottom? was it 0, 1 or two disclaimers?)

Mar 11 00:03:08 fl amavis[66940]: (66940-01) Passed CLEAN, MYNETS LOCAL 
[] [] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -> 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, quarantine: archive/E/archive-E3EgnWWVIoX9.gz, 
Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, mail_id: E3EgnWWVIoX9, Hits: 
-7.339, size: 1273, queued_as: 7E917170C8, 2279 ms

which one SHOULD it archive? (i suggest if legal reasons require the 
disclaimer, we archive the email that went out, not the email the user 
sent? any lawyers in the house?

Mar 11 00:02:08 fl amavis[66936]: SpamControl: initializing 

Mar 11 00:02:11 fl amavis[66936]: SpamControl: init_pre_fork done
Mar 11 00:03:06 fl postfix/smtpd[66899]: connect from 
Mar 11 00:03:06 fl postfix/smtpd[66899]: 5181D170C7: 
Mar 11 00:03:06 fl postfix/cleanup[66943]: 5181D170C7: 
message-id=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mar 11 00:03:06 fl postfix/qmgr[66898]: 5181D170C7: 
from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, size=1273, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 11 00:03:06 fl postfix/smtpd[66899]: disconnect from 
Mar 11 00:03:06 fl amavis[66940]: (66940-01) loaded policy bank "MYNETS"
Mar 11 00:03:06 fl amavis[66940]: (66940-01) LMTP::10024 
/var/amavis/tmp/amavis-20070311T000306-66940: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -> 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> SIZE=1273 Received: from fl.us.spammertrap.net 
([]) by localhost (fl.us.spammertrap.net []) 
(amavisd-new, port 10024) with LMTP for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Sun, 11 Mar 
2007 00:03:06 -0500 (EST)
Mar 11 00:03:06 fl amavis[66940]: (66940-01) Checking: E3EgnWWVIoX9 
Mar 11 00:03:06 fl amavis[66940]: (66940-01) p001 1 Content-Type: 
text/plain, size: 306 B, name:
Mar 11 00:03:08 fl amavis[66940]: (66940-01) mangling YES: disclaimer 
(orig: disclaimer), discl_allowed=1, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -> 
Mar 11 00:03:08 fl amavis[66940]: (66940-01) local delivery: 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -> <clean-quarantine>, 
Mar 11 00:03:08 fl amavis[66940]: (66940-01) SPAM-TAG, 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, No, score=-7.339 
tagged_above=-999 required=9 tests=[AWL=0.260, BAYES_00=-2.599, 
Mar 11 00:03:08 fl amavis[66940]: (66940-01) mangling by: disclaimer, 
Mar 11 00:03:08 fl amavis[66940]: (66940-01) program 
/usr/local/bin/altermime said: Attempting to add disclaimer\nDone.\n
Mar 11 00:03:08 fl amavis[66940]: (66940-01) mangling by altermime 
(disclaimer) done, new size: 1498, orig 1242 bytes
Mar 11 00:03:08 fl postfix/smtpd[66947]: connect from localhost[]
Mar 11 00:03:08 fl postfix/smtpd[66947]: 7E917170C8: 
Mar 11 00:03:08 fl postfix/cleanup[66948]: 7E917170C8: 
message-id=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mar 11 00:03:08 fl postfix/qmgr[66898]: 7E917170C8: 
from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, size=2112, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 11 00:03:08 fl postfix/smtpd[66947]: disconnect from 
Mar 11 00:03:08 fl amavis[66940]: (66940-01) FWD via SMTP: 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 250 2.6.0 Ok, id=66940-01, 
from MTA([]:10025): 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 7E917170C8
Mar 11 00:03:08 fl amavis[66940]: (66940-01) Passed CLEAN, MYNETS LOCAL 
[] [] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -> 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, quarantine: archive/E/archive-E3EgnWWVIoX9.gz, 
Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, mail_id: E3EgnWWVIoX9, Hits: 
-7.339, size: 1273, queued_as: 7E917170C8, 2279 ms
Mar 11 00:03:08 fl postfix/lmtp[66944]: 5181D170C7: 
to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, relay=[]:10024, delay=2.3, 
delays=0.02/0.01/0.02/2.3, dsn=2.6.0, status=sent (250 2.6.0 Ok, 
id=66940-01, from MTA([]:10025): 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 
Mar 11 00:03:08 fl postfix/qmgr[66898]: 5181D170C7: removed
Mar 11 00:03:08 fl amavis[66940]: (66940-01) TIMING [total 2285 ms] - 
sql-prepare: 6 (0%)0, SMTP greeting: 4 (0%)0, SMTP LHLO: 1 (0%)1, SMTP 
pre-MAIL: 4 (0%)1, mkdir tempdir: 1 (0%)1, create email.txt: 1 (0%)1, 
sql-connect: 8 (0%)1, lookup_sql: 5 (0%)1, SMTP pre-DATA-flush: 2 (0%)1, 
SMTP DATA: 74 (3%)5, check_init: 0 (0%)5, digest_hdr: 1 (0%)5, 
digest_body: 0 (0%)5, gen_mail_id: 1 (0%)5, mkdir parts: 0 (0%)5, 
mime_decode: 11 (0%)5, check_header: 2 (0%)5, AV-scan-1: 9 (0%)6, 
AV-scan-2: 1 (0%)6, lookup_sql: 4 (0%)6, spam-wb-list: 3 (0%)6, SA msg 
read: 1 (0%)6, SA parse: 3 (0%)6, SA check: 1876 (82%)88, update_cache: 
6 (0%)89, lookup_sql: 7 (0%)89, decide_mail_destiny: 1 (0%)89, 
write-header: 10 (0%)89, save-to-local-mailbox: 1 (0%)89, 
mangle-altermime: 92 (4%)93, fwd-connect: 14 (1%)94, fwd-xforward: 1 
(0%)94, fwd-mail-from: 1 (0%)94, fwd-rcpt-to: 9 (0%)94, fwd-data-cmd: 1 
(0%)95, write-header: 1 (0%)95, fwd-data-contents: 1 (0%)95, 
fwd-data-end: 95 (4%)99, fwd-rundown: 2 (0%)99, prepare-dsn: 3 (0%...
Mar 11 00:03:08 fl amavis[66940]: (66940-01) ...)99, main_log_entry: 20 
(1%)100, SMTP pre-response: 1 (0%)100, SMTP response: 1 (0%)100, 
unlink-1-files: 1 (0%)100, rundown: 2 (0%)100
Mar 11 00:03:08 fl amavis[66940]: (66940-01) extra modules loaded: 
Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin/ImageInfo.pm, Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin/TextCat.pm
Mar 11 00:03:09 fl postfix/smtp[66949]: 7E917170C8: 
relay=mxpool01.netaddress.usa.net[]:25, delay=0.79, 
delays=0.11/0.01/0.23/0.45, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 Mail accepted 
Mar 11 00:03:09 fl postfix/qmgr[66898]: 7E917170C8: removed

This email has been scanned and certified safe by SpammerTrap(tm) 
For Information please see http://www.spammertrap.com 

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