HI, Justin. Which setting do you have enabled on SA? (assuming you
check spam against SpamAssassin). Try disabling RBL checks, Pyzor,
Razor, DCC, etc. Maybe a stalled communication with one of those
services is sluggishing down the amavis instance...

Could you post over one of your servers the problematic message?



2007/8/29, Justin Kim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > At 03:29 PM 8/24/2007, Justin Kim wrote:
> > >Hello,
> > >
> > >I have installed and using amavisd-new for about 1 year now.
> > >It is been great since the installation.
> > >But I noticed sometimes that Amavis is having hiccups and during
> > the hiccups
> > >the email delivery is delayed.
> > >Postfix is accepting lot of messages and it defers couple of thousands
> > >messages during this amavis hiccup time.
> >
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > What do you mean by hiccup?  Is amavisd-new unable to accept
> > connections from postfix?  Does amavisd-new stop running and must be
> > restarted?  Is amavisd-new taking an unreasonably long time to
> > process messages at times?  Something else?  Hiccup is not very
> > descriptive for trouble shooting.
> >
> > Top output is not very useful here.  Show logs.  amavisd-nanny and/or
> > amavisd-agent might also provide useful information, but the logs are
> > the place to start.
> >
> >
> > --
> > Noel Jones
> >
> >
> Hi again,
> After I got Noel's email, I went to do my homework analyzing malilog,
> googling, etc.
> I couldn't get the answer but I found something.
> When I meant hiccups from the previous post,
> I meant one amavisd process stall or one amavisd is trying to do its job but
> somehow it got stuck with one message (spam message).
> Although I have 10 more amavisd instances, this one process that is stuck
> with one message is stopping other instances to work properly.
> I found this by looking at the top info and went into the /var/amavis/tmp/
> folder.
> ==========================================================================
> top - 15:43:37 up 25 days, 15:11,  2 users,  load average: 1.38, 2.15, 2.06
> Tasks: 357 total,   2 running, 355 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
> Cpu(s): 20.2% us,  4.7% sy,  0.0% ni, 72.3% id,  2.5% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.2% si
> Mem:   8164752k total,  8110816k used,    53936k free,   749420k buffers
> Swap:  2031608k total,      160k used,  2031448k free,  4290808k cached
> 29095 amavis    16   0  181m  73m 3320 R   60   0.9   0:01.95  amavisd
> (ch1-29095-01-3)
> ==========================================================================
> In my /var/amavis/tmp/amavis-20070829T152337-29095/ ,
> there are email.txt file and part/ folder.
> And I looked into email.txt and the message was a spam message.
> So that was stuck about 5 mins in the /var/amavis/tmp/ folder.
> And then it is gone. I do not know whether that is sent to the destination
> or not.
> Can someone help me at this point?
> Does my finding mean anything?
> Thank you in advance,
> Justin
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