
> I am using an Intel Apple Xserve running macosx 10.4.10
> after a recent upgrade of amavis-new, ClamAV and spamassassin,
> amavisd -V  =  amavisd-new-2.5.2 (20070627)
> spamassassin -V  =  SpamAssassin version 3.2.3
>    running on Perl version 5.8.6
> /usr/local/sbin/clamd -V   =  ClamAV 0.91.1/4691/Wed Nov 13

> Some incoming mail is having   (No virus check: internal error)
> appended to the subject line.
> However checking through the logs the mail is showing that is "Passed

That text in the subject line does not look like being generated
by amavisd-new (unless the program was modified).

> Can someone tell me where this appending of the subject line
> is being generated from.

Don't know. Perhaps a mailer is invoking a virus checker
on its own.

> More importantly is it a problem that requires fixing?

Probably yes. If for no other reason, seems like some resources
are being wasted, and clutter is added to mail.

> Sending a test virus from gets picked up as a virus
> correctly but doesn't append the subject line

Such message should be blocked, unless recipient is a virus_lover
(or $final_virus_destiny=D_PASS), in which case a subject should
receive prepended a text from $subject_tag_maps_by_ccat{+CC_VIRUS},
the '***INFECTED*** ' by default.


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