On 12/1/07, Sahil Tandon wrote:
> * Hannes Erven >

> > Gary V wrote:
> > > On 12/1/07, Sahil Tandon wrote:
> > >> After disabling SPF verification in init.pre, I restarted amavisd-new.  
> > >> The
> > >> logs show that SPF modules are still being loaded:
> > >>
> > >> Nov 30 22:52:57 bulwark amavis[73066]: Module Mail::SPF           v2.004
> > >> Nov 30 22:52:57 bulwark amavis[73066]: Module Mail::SPF::Query    
> > >> 1.999001
> > >
> > > There may an additional file elsewhere that is loading the module.
> >
> > Don't forget to check the amavis config for @additional_perl_modules,
> > perhaps the SPF modules are just being loaded and not used?
> Checked there too:
>        bulwark# egrep 'perl|SPF' /usr/local/etc/amavisd.conf
>        bulwark#
> --
> Sahil Tandon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Looks like you're right. I guess you could/should comment out:

#  if ($mod_names{'Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF'}) {
#    if ($sa_version_num >= 3.002000) {
#      push(@modules, qw(
#        Mail::SPF Mail::SPF::Server Mail::SPF::Request
#        Mail::SPF::Mech Mail::SPF::Mech::A Mail::SPF::Mech::PTR
#        Mail::SPF::Mech::All Mail::SPF::Mech::Exists Mail::SPF::Mech::IP4
#        Mail::SPF::Mech::IP6 Mail::SPF::Mech::Include Mail::SPF::Mech::MX
#        Mail::SPF::Mod Mail::SPF::Mod::Exp Mail::SPF::Mod::Redirect
#        Mail::SPF::SenderIPAddrMech
#        Mail::SPF::v1::Record Mail::SPF::v2::Record
#        NetAddr::IP NetAddr::IP::Util
#        auto::NetAddr::IP::Util::inet_n2dx auto::NetAddr::IP::Util::ipv6_n2d));
#    }
#    # the 3.2.0 could support the old Mail::SPF::Query too
#    push(@modules, qw(Mail::SPF::Query));  # if $sa_version_num < 3.002000;
#  }

Gary V

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