On 3/27/08, Mark Martinec wrote:
> Gary,
> > But what if you have one recipient in a @bypass_spam_checks_maps and
> > another that is not? Would you still not need to place the recipient
> > in the @bypass_spam_checks_maps in the @spam_lovers_maps?
> @bypass_spam_checks_maps is pretty much independent from everything else.
> If at least one recipient requires spam checking (has bypass at false),
> then spam checking is performed. Or in other words, if all recipients
> have bypass at true, spam checking need not be performed (but the result
> may still be available, e.g. when cached).
> What happens next depends on whether mail is considered spam (above kill level
> for this recipient), or not. If it is not spam, it is delivered normally
> and not quarantined. If it is spam, it gets quarantined unless quarantining
> is disabled, and it is blocked, unless recipient is a spam lover.
> As you can see, if mail is not considered spam (e.g. when mail is clean
> or recipient has a high kill level, same thing), the @spam_lovers_maps is
> irrelevant.
> See first couple of items under:
>  http://www.ijs.si/software/amavisd/amavisd-new-docs.html
> Mark

I see. Oops, for some reason I must have casually assumed that because mail
is tagged as spam at tag2_level, this alone might be sufficient to short circuit
delivery of a message to a recipient in @bypass_spam_checks_maps. Now I
imagine this is actually a result of $final_destiny being set to
anything other than
D_PASS. Thus, if kill_level is beyond any possible spam score, the action in
$final_destiny never takes place. All spam is delivered.

Gary V

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