Michael Scheidell wrote:
> From:
> http://search.cpan.org/src/OLAF/Net-DNS-0.63/Changes
> Fix rt.cpan.org #30316  Security issue with Net::DNS Resolver.
>  Net/DNS/RR/A.pm in Net::DNS 0.60 build 654 allows remote attackers  
> to cause a denial of service (program "croak") via a crafted DNS
>  response (http://nvd.nist.gov/nvd.cfm?cvename=CVE-2007-6341). Packet  
> parsing routines are now enclosed in eval blocks to trap exception
>  and avoid premature termination of user program.
> Fix: Update to 0.63.
> Note: to Freebsd Ports SpamAssassin users: A minor update to SA will 
> include dependency on 0.63.  pt-Net-DNS was updated on ports tree 10 
> days ago:
> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=120702
> An official update to SA ports version 3.4.2_3 will be send to ports 
> shortly.

you mean 3.4.2_3 I guess.

PS. shouldn't the audit db be updated?

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