
> I ran (for the first time) amavisd-nanny which keeps scrolling thusly:
> PID 88625:               0:00:54 .........:.........:.........:.....
> PID 88626:               0:01:21 .........:.........:.........:.....
> PID 88625:               0:00:56 .........:.........:.........:.....
> PID 88626:               0:01:23 .........:.........:.........:.....
> PID 88625:               0:00:58 .........:.........:.........:.....
> PID 88626:               0:01:25 .........:.........:.........:.....
> PID 88625:               0:01:00 .........:.........:.........:.....
> PID 88626:               0:01:27 .........:.........:.........:.....
> I see two directories in /var/amavis/tmp:
>       bulwark# ls -l /var/amavis/tmp/
>       total 6
>       drwxr-x---  3 vscan  vscan   512 Apr  1 19:39 
> amavis-20080401T193951-88625
>       drwxr-x---  3 vscan  vscan   512 Apr  1 19:51 
> amavis-20080401T195156-88626
>       -rw-r-----  1 vscan  vscan  1416 Apr  1 19:56 razor-agent.log
> No matter how many emails I see go through, there are always two files.  Is
> this normal?

Yes, this is normal. For every amavisd child process there is one
dedicated directory, one permanently open file 'email.txt' within
and a subdirectory 'parts'. It saves creating/deleting two directies
and a temporary file with every message checking. Depending on a
file system in use, this may or may not be a significant saving
(it was substantial on older non-journalled or non-snapshot file systems).

> Finally, on the postfix mailing list, someone made reference to simply
> adding amavisd_ram=100M to one's /etc/rc.conf to get amavisd-new to use ram
> disk.

Yes, this suffices on FreeBSD systems if you installed amavisd-new from ports.

> Is that incomplete?  Doesn't one need to do something like this?: 

For other systems you'd need to do more steps.

In my view it is not worth it. Doesn't save much (specially on a
journalled/snapshot-based fs), and increases a risk that you will
exceed a limited size of a mem-based file system.

Adjusting the number of child process is the main tuning knob
($max_servers in amavisd.conf, and maxproc in
or amavisfeed_destination_concurrency_limit in
For a modern host something between 15 and 40 is the useful range
when mail rate is high.


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