We've been plagued by a very large (1.7 GB) bounce lately and wondered
if newer amavisd-news are smarter about this:

Basically what happens is: postfix hands mail over to amavis who hands
it over to clamav. Clamav spends so much time attempting to scan the
file that postfix times out, gives up and puts the offending mail in
deferred. The copy of the mail hangs around in various tmp-directories
instead of being deleted. Then postfix tries again. Clamav takes too
much time, postfix times out, gives up, and now there are *two* copies
of the mail in various tmp-directories. Repeat until disk full. Then
the flow of mail stops and the flow of phonecalls begin.

The workaround is to shut down amavis, clamav, postfix, delete
(postsuper -d) the offending mail, hunt down and delete the copies in
the various tmp-directories, turning everything back on and cross
fingers. An elegant fix would be for postfix to say "no way will I be
able to deliver this" and shunt it into the hold-queue for the
postmaster to deal with. What amavis and friends need to do is
discover somehow when this happens, and break the loop (and clean up
the messages that postfix gives up on).

I'll eventually be upgrading anyway but a solution for the above
problem might speed up things.


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