> From: Hanne Moa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2008 13:33:35 +0200
> To: <amavis-user@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Subject: [AMaViS-user] Too big a message times out, multiplies on disk
> We've been plagued by a very large (1.7 GB) bounce lately and wondered
> if newer amavisd-news are smarter about this:

Postfix can be set to limit the bounce size, postfix can be set to limit the
incoming email size.

Then postfix will say 'no way will I deliver this email'.

Read FAQ's, or post on postfix group. They can help.

Michael Scheidell, CTO
>|SECNAP Network Security
Winner 2008 Network Products Guide Hot Companies
FreeBSD SpamAssassin Ports maintainer
Charter member, ICSA labs anti-spam consortium

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