
> Thank you.  I finally managed to find this in the docs.  I can see where
> this would increase load time if the hash tables are big.  currently my
> amavis processes are running anywhere from 100K to 100M each.  the 100M
> number is scary.  I'm thinking about running amavis on a separate box
> from the rest of the mail services.  Its processor intensive (its gotta
> be to rip all that stuff apart and then reassemble it all.)  and not
> very nice: /usr/bin/nice I've thought about methods of increasing its
> level of niceness, but haven't due to the complexity of the tasks at hand.

Indeed a 100 MB virtul memory footprint is pretty much normal these days
for an amavisd+SA process. A 2 GB host can take about 20 such processes
(with some shared memory usage and the unused sections paged off), and
a 4 GB host twice as much. The limiting factor is still CPU, so the usual
host memory sizes are just about right for amavisd+SA and a dual CPU.

On a host dedicated to mail processing, I don't see much benefit in
dropping a priority of amavisd processes. The MTA is not exactly an
interactive application, so even if it doesn't respond in milliseconds
it is still acceptable.


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